Join us sundays at 9 or 10:30AM

Clubhouse Kids Seek To…

clubhouse logo

  • Confess Christ as their Lord and Savior
  • Learn to Walk in His ways
  • Unite with fellow believers
  • Boldly serve with their God-given gifts and talents

Generations Church loves kids and families. We have a commitment to provide opportunities to help your children grow closer to Jesus!


Service Times

Check-in for ALL services will be in the Foyer of the Main Building.

Sunday Mornings  |  9am & 10:30am
(3mo-3yrs) - Room 101
Treehouse (3yr-PreK) - Room 106
Clubhouse (K-6th) - TMC Gym

Wednesday Evenings  |  6:45pm
Nursery (3mo-PreK) - Room 101
Treehouse (3yr-PreK) - Room 106
Clubhouse Connect
 (K-6th) - Sanctuary